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廖俊智 James C. Liao


Academia Sinica


Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison Campus, USA


Chair/Professor, Bioengineering, UCLA.
Chair/Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, UCLA.
The Samson-Prime Minister‘s Prize for Innovation in Alternative Energy and Smart Mobility for Transportation, Israel
US EPA Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award
White House Champion of Change for Innovations in Renewable Energy, USA
ENI Award Renewable Energy Prize, Italy
US National Academy of Sciences Award for the Industrial Application of Science
Fellow, National Academy of Inventors, USA
Member of the US National Academy of Sciences
Academician, Academia Sinica.
Member, National Academy of Engineering, USA

Speech Title and Abstract

Taiwan Net Zero: A Science and Technology Approach

Taiwan emitted 287 Mtons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2019. About 50% of this amount is emitted directly due to electricity generation, and another 40% is related to other energy applications including direct combustion, transportation, and industrial processing. To eliminate such a large amount of emission while meeting the nation’s energy demand is a major challenge. The problem is exacerbated by Taiwan’s lack of natural resources and the heavy reliance on imported fossil fuels as the energy source, including coal, natural gas, and petroleum. As such, Taiwan has promoted renewable energy sources including solar and wind as a main alternative to the fossil energy. However, such efforts are insufficient to meet all the electricity requirement for 2050, and new technologies are required. In this regard, Academia Sinica has conducted a comprehensive technological survey and proposed five technologies that need to be developed as soon as possible, in addition to the current efforts. These include methane pyrolysis to produce hydrogen, high efficiency solar panel, geothermal energy, Kuroshio current energy, and biological carbon conversion and storage. In this talk, we will discuss the rationale behind such recommendations and describe the technologies briefly.

Rm 310, No. 88, Zhuangjing 1st Road, Zhubei City, Hsinchu County, Taiwan

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