梁任杰 Ren-Jie New
Industrial Software and Life Science Marketing Manager
Bachelor of Engineering, Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Microsoft Certified Software Solution Architect

Solution Consultant in applied AI/ML for Asset Management and Energy/Process Optimization. Solution Architect for projects AI/ML, IT/OT integration projects across Asia for users like PTTGC, Petronas, Mitsubishi and Sanofi.
Key areas of Expertise: Energy Management using AI/ML, Operator Empowerment with Mobility and AR, Combining Rule Based with Data driven analytics for Asset Health Management, IT/OT data orchestration and big data management.
Developed world-first Semiconductor Wafer Test Management System for TSMC. Enabling engineers to graphically design testchips, wafermaps, die plans, test plans, limit specs and test specs via web interface.