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梁任杰 Ren-Jie New

Industrial Software and Life Science Marketing Manager



Bachelor of Engineering, Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Microsoft Certified Software Solution Architect


Solution Consultant in applied AI/ML for Asset Management and Energy/Process Optimization. Solution Architect for projects AI/ML, IT/OT integration projects across Asia for users like PTTGC, Petronas, Mitsubishi and Sanofi.

Key areas of Expertise: Energy Management using AI/ML, Operator Empowerment with Mobility and AR, Combining Rule Based with Data driven analytics for Asset Health Management, IT/OT data orchestration and big data management.

Developed world-first Semiconductor Wafer Test Management System for TSMC. Enabling engineers to graphically design testchips, wafermaps, die plans, test plans, limit specs and test specs via web interface.

Speech Title and Abstract

Driving Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development: Advanced Modeling and Analysis Techniques Applied to High-Tech Facility Infrastructure

Utility usage in high-tech manufacturing facilities is key area where most energy are being consumed. Energy efficiency by optimizing the generation and usage of various utilities holds the key to lower energy consumption. With software modelling that take into accounts operational, economic and environmental penalty constraints, coupled with real-time actual production demand and forecasts, an optimal utility plan can be calculated every half-hourly during a day. Each optimal utility plan generated is fed as Targets to an advanced process control system that uses Embedded MILP Optimizer and AI Deep Learning to drive multivariate process variables of the plant towards the Targets in a way that minimize fuel consumption and stabilize demand and supply. This cycle repeats itself every half-hourly to automatically and continuously optimize plant utility.
Equipment failures and process disruptions are the main drivers of unplanned downtime that costs the industry billions of dollars in lost revenue every year. Whenever equipment failure occurs in the plant, those transitory periods produces excessive levels of greenhouse gas emissions, particularly from flaring, or venting of excess steam to prevent over-pressure. In addition, Equipment having deteriorated health condition consumes more energy to work. As a result, companies rely heavily on preventive maintenance to avoid equipment failure. However, not only preventive maintenance is very costly, simply opening a machine for inspection can cause problems that did not previously exist. With advancement of AI and Machine Learning, autonomous AI/ML agents can be deployed online to recognize minuscule pattern changes across multiple sensors to detect early symptoms of equipment degradation that neither humans nor sensors alone are capable of detecting. These AI/ML agents can predict when and how equipment will fail and initiate early intervention to avoid the damage. Early attention may only require a simple maintenance task, and in some cases, notification will occur weeks in advance, allowing machines to be taken offline at a convenient time when production demands are lower, the result is lower repair costs and increased overall production.

Rm 310, No. 88, Zhuangjing 1st Road, Zhubei City, Hsinchu County, Taiwan

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