Moderators of HTF International Forum 2022
楊亦東 (I-Tung, Yang)
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, NTUST
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Chair, Chinese Taipei APEC Engineer/IntPE Monitoring Committee
Head, Dept. of Civil and Constr. Engrg., NTUST
President, Taiwan Construction Research Institute
Prof. I-Tung Yang has been teaching in the Department of Construction Engineering at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology since 2007. Between 2015 and 2018, Prof. Yang was seconded as the Taiwan Construction Research Institute president. Afterward, he was appointed as the Department Head and concurrently served as the Directors of the Ecology and Disaster Prevention Engineering Research Center and the Construction Industry Occupational Disaster Prevention and Control Center.
Prof. Yang's research interests include construction management, information technology, computational intelligence, decision and risk analysis, and discrete event simulation. He received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (2002), Master of Industrial Engineering (1999), and Master of Construction Management (1996), all from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Currently, Prof. Yang serves as the Chair of the Asia Pacific Engineers and International Engineers Supervision Committee of Chinese Taipei, Chair of the Information Committee in the Chinese Civil and Hydraulic Engineering Society, and Associate Editor of Korean Society of Civil Engineering Journal. He sits in the Review Committee of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, and reviews papers for 40+ international journals.